
Showing posts from September, 2009

My US pics

Finally i manage to upload more pics of me in USA in Photobucket. So check it out ok. :)

Selamat Hari Raya

I would like to wish all my friends Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin Almaklum la setahun ni penuh dengan segala keje2 keji mengeji, ngumpat mengumpat, hina menghina, syak wasangka, terlepas kata atau sebagainyer la yang mendatangkan dosa secara sengaja atau tk sengaja. Maka dihari baik dan dibulan baik ini aku mohon ampun dan maaf serta halalkan makan dan minum aku yer. Untuk tahun ni maaf la tkder open house, tapi still open untuk sesiapa yang nak datang raya. bagi tau la awal2 takut dapat rumah kosong plak :p

Buka Pose di Thai Thai

Sorry for not updating my blog. Im super bz with my work – that damn e-Tanah project.  Why i call it damn? because out of sudden, those people came back to us and ask for our services and preparation for proof of concept. It was like 2 weeks ago. Imagine i have to recall the application that we have built 2 years ago in 2 weeks, plus additional functions request by them! Correction here.. i didn’t built anything cause its all codings, programming stuff. Those are invented by Tony. Yeah so u can guess it right??? I need to understand those codes in 2 weeks! Off course i dont understand anything.. so as usual had to ask help from the only programmers we have in our company.. if she resign, we all doomed i tell u. I was struggling day and night to prepare this e-tanah presentation. Next wednesday gonna be hell for me. Cant wait for this thing to finish. But there are 2 more things 2 settle until end of year. This is crazy! So last Monday Rafiee officially becomes my new partner...