Yippie training is over!!!! Wow, i never thought i do had a great time teaching my students about GIS hehe. Its a big challenge though, cause they asked a lot of detailed questions- its a big surprise i can answer them all hahhaa- thats the best part!
Do u guys like my blog? the music? :P i think the music suits this skin and the mood for now. I'll change the music later depends on my mood of the week hehe. I don't know how long this blog can survive cause i'm such a lazy writer, always write crapts swing mood thingy, but i'll try my best to make this blog normal :P.... and well, kind of malu with my broken n not so superb english like some people i know :D.. nevermind la.. as long as u guys understand kan... :D
This weekend i plan to go to river if i can.. i need the river stone to rub my crack ugly foot!! It's getting worst! uhuks.... its just a plan.. i have to survive with only rm170 until the end of month.. poor me...
ok ciou! i wanna go home feed my cats and lepaks..
Do u guys like my blog? the music? :P i think the music suits this skin and the mood for now. I'll change the music later depends on my mood of the week hehe. I don't know how long this blog can survive cause i'm such a lazy writer, always write crapts swing mood thingy, but i'll try my best to make this blog normal :P.... and well, kind of malu with my broken n not so superb english like some people i know :D.. nevermind la.. as long as u guys understand kan... :D
This weekend i plan to go to river if i can.. i need the river stone to rub my crack ugly foot!! It's getting worst! uhuks.... its just a plan.. i have to survive with only rm170 until the end of month.. poor me...
ok ciou! i wanna go home feed my cats and lepaks..