Stupidity in my workplace
Why la weh we have 1 stupidos, lazy, emotional, unprofessional team member in my company??? He's keep talking about "team work", professinalism but yet, he's the only 1 who doesnt have all that criterias. Why??? because : 1.He'll give 1001s of excuses not to do any write up (maybe he's allergic to keyboard) even though its only 2-3 sentences!!! 2.He'll give MOST of his works to he's "team member" in his own definition of "team work" he always talked about. (in fact i dont see he's doing anything except talking) 3.He'll like to waste everyones time: everyone for useless discussions (mainly to make him understand what is going on in the office which will take almost 1 hour to make him understand simple damn thing!!!) even though we just had the meeting yesterday. Amazingly he's the only 1 who dont understand - that's where "the eye, the hand, the ear" is needed for him. DUHH! b.He talks about no...