My scammers memories

I'm pretty bz this week doing things that perhaps will unleash my real inner business capabilities hahaha (as if). I've long stop making money with my own business since high school. What a waste, i don't know why i stop it when i went to University... I did remember when i was in primary school, my best friend n my best business buddy, Jasmin. Both of us love money and we love selling anything that can bring profits to us. We have kind of good business. U know, kids those days love to waste money for unreasonable thing n both of us have the supply of unreasonable thing. That makes our business so good. :P That's 1 of main tips u can use in business "customers loves unreasonable, money wasted, unvaluable, cheap, shiny, cute, and again cheap thing". This kind of people really don't care to waste their money to people like me hehehe. The most unreasonable thing to buy those days is : a cute small butterflies in a box . Who ever start the idea is realy the b...