It's never enough

It will never be enough... Do u believe it? believe it. It's totally true and i can't lie about it. I am not so satisfied of what i have especially the job, the salary n the life i have now. Though it's not that bad neither it's so good... i felt totally depressed n dissapointed cause i can't buy the house i want!!! I want that Alam budiman house for myself or that huge parkland house. :(
Will rm4k be enough? i dont think so.... will rm8k be enough? i dont think so cause by that time i surely wanna buy a big bungalow! So, how to feel enough? Not that i'm not thankful, i am. It's just that "if" i have this n that..."if" i can buy this n that... it's all about the IF words. Agree? or not agree?
Somebody told me "can u please not complaining for once?". It's not wrong to complain as long as it's not over the limit, but to some people talking is consider complaining. Amazing isn't it? I need to complain or maybe talking cause i need to let things off my head n my heart or else i feel down n depressed again, though i will be depressed but it won't be that bad la. Somehow, i enjoy sharing it with the person who dont like to hear people complaining. I feel happy just talking to this person.
Anyway back to the house thingy, i need a gurentor or second name for me to get the loan. Guess what?? i think i need a husband now to buy that house!! LoL... :p
To find a guy that i like is a total mess! Why can't i find a guy that i will like for at least more then a few months n who will likes me back? It's a hard thing...
So... i need to wait for a few more years to buy my own big house. Better if can get scholarship - master - and a better job with better salary. Perhaps the best thing i wish can happen to me is i can get my business on the move n becomes millionaires!! Muahahhaa...
*i wish