My life hasn't been that normal lately. So i got my sweet revenge last weekend after a long busy months i had. It was a terrible life doing DOSM & BGSP project. Our frustration is due to the ignorance we received from our management level. It's been 4 years and nothing has been change to improved certain thing and all the management fuss that yet to fulfilled makes us feel even bored. It makes "us" want to run away, but we cant. We've been bond. So the plan was to see how our management will appreciate us by end of this financial year. If not we just have to do something about it.
So what i did during weekend: Eat what i want to eat, spent my credit card without thinking (luckily i forgot about keyboard or plasma tv or video cam or nokia e66, still have my senses i guess), playing pool and fussball, watched 2 great movies: Storm Riders and Avatar.

Jake Sully attitude in that movie is so i like. His blue face seems cuter then his normal face :P. I love the beautiful hanging garden with waterfall running down, the network ideas in pandora is so cool though looks a bit disgusting when they trying to connect their "network". Not to forget the flying dragon. The movie blended very well with the CGI and real characters as well as the exotic world of pandora looks so real. It seamless. I'm obsessed with Avatar now, so I'm gonna watch Avatar again, this time in 3D, probably at IMAX. :P
Wow we are celebrating New Year next week! Year 2010. Sounds promissing isn’t? Or it's just another boring year that i have to face? Doing things i dont really like? Or should i spend all my money to go for
As for this week, i have to settle all the PAT error in DOSM followed with 3 days wedding on weekend.