Confused...Culture Shock!

Whatttt??? That's the only words i can said + a confused look like this poor kitten here ->->->-> ->->-> when ALMOST ALL my friends married or getting married give the same comments about my new kinky stuff : " I'm so shy! I dont want to wear it " " Oh it's too sexy why should i wear it, i'm so shy " " What for i wear it? I rather naked then wearing those " " I don't need that, naked is better n enough " " It's see through, makes me shy, i dont want to wear it " " I don't like it, it's not my custom " Please help me i dont understand why?? why??? I'm too culture shock here! especially from those married people who said they are too shy to wear it. I don't believe it!!! Exception for single ladies la... but still! It's confusing! First: It's not too sexy! It's just see through, nice n nice n nice not that daring and kinky at all (for the first 3 items) ...