About nothing
I am so sleepy... this few days has been a very slow days for me, kind of blur. My excitement learning java and focus in my works n searching for house somehow is decreasing due to the reality that i am still stuck in this company doing things i dislike + the java thing hmm... got stuck somewhere and get bored + the house thingy hmm... stuck as well with some title issues, it will take at least 4 month to settle everything before we can sell it plus we havent find the perfect new house + i missed my fluffy.
During my study years, i have a habit to wandering around shopping mall or park or just walking anywhere alone & spend my time thinking. It's something i will do normally when i'm depressed or sad or need some space to be alone. It's where i feel that i have all the freedom i want and will feel happy doing it. It makes me wondering about things past, future and presents. People or object that surronds me, and even predict what other peoples life could be by just looking at them and what they're doing. This is the time where a lot of ideas and a lot of conclusions i can find about my life, environment, world, n who we r in this world. This is the time where thousands of questions pouring my mind to find answers.
I know some thought i'm unique or weird. Not that weird is something disgusting or eerie or bad as some people thought. Not for me,i like it when people say im weird or different, it's a compliment to me. I like being different from usual. i like being among the weirds or minority rather then being among the "usual & normal" cause it makes me feel boring. For me it's something precious being different & unique from others. I just like it.
Maybe it's 1 of the reasons why i like unique, rare and different guy, or anythings. Not that i want the "mole people" hehehe. Different & unique not really in terms of physical but in terms of characteristics. Unique characteristics will attract me easily. Makes me wanna search and learn more about him. Makes me wanna have him. Makes me fall for him. What unique is? well i can't describe it, i knew when i see it.
I can seat at the bus stop at section 2 near my university for 2 hours or more while listening to my MP3. Not that i'm waiting for someone or bus. I just wanna seat there n looking at people around me while do my 'free thinking'. Then i will walk to the park and to the shopping mall and stop in bookshop n treat myself with free reading :P. I will buy McD ice cream and walk back to where i came from, took the bus and go back to sleep.
I am so sleepy... this few days has been a very slow days for me, kind of blur. My excitement learning java and focus in my works n searching for house somehow is decreasing due to the reality that i am still stuck in this company doing things i dislike + the java thing hmm... got stuck somewhere and get bored + the house thingy hmm... stuck as well with some title issues, it will take at least 4 month to settle everything before we can sell it plus we havent find the perfect new house + i missed my fluffy.
During my study years, i have a habit to wandering around shopping mall or park or just walking anywhere alone & spend my time thinking. It's something i will do normally when i'm depressed or sad or need some space to be alone. It's where i feel that i have all the freedom i want and will feel happy doing it. It makes me wondering about things past, future and presents. People or object that surronds me, and even predict what other peoples life could be by just looking at them and what they're doing. This is the time where a lot of ideas and a lot of conclusions i can find about my life, environment, world, n who we r in this world. This is the time where thousands of questions pouring my mind to find answers.
I know some thought i'm unique or weird. Not that weird is something disgusting or eerie or bad as some people thought. Not for me,i like it when people say im weird or different, it's a compliment to me. I like being different from usual. i like being among the weirds or minority rather then being among the "usual & normal" cause it makes me feel boring. For me it's something precious being different & unique from others. I just like it.
Maybe it's 1 of the reasons why i like unique, rare and different guy, or anythings. Not that i want the "mole people" hehehe. Different & unique not really in terms of physical but in terms of characteristics. Unique characteristics will attract me easily. Makes me wanna search and learn more about him. Makes me wanna have him. Makes me fall for him. What unique is? well i can't describe it, i knew when i see it.
I can seat at the bus stop at section 2 near my university for 2 hours or more while listening to my MP3. Not that i'm waiting for someone or bus. I just wanna seat there n looking at people around me while do my 'free thinking'. Then i will walk to the park and to the shopping mall and stop in bookshop n treat myself with free reading :P. I will buy McD ice cream and walk back to where i came from, took the bus and go back to sleep.

I remembered when i was in Perlis. I was kind of culture shock to c a lot of innocents,nice and well can say narrow people too where i thought it's never exists anymore hehehe. The funniest part is when i was wondering around alone, a lot of the girls asked me "aint u afraid?", "why u walk alone?don't u feel shame?", "I'm pity of u". what the hell, it's only in campus!? hahaha.. jeez.. it's something totally weird for them i guess. But in the end there's a few of them seek my advice on how to be me. LoL. It's funny.
I missed those days. Since i have car i seldom walk and take bus anymore. Plus it's not really relevant to walk near my house cause there's nothing interesting to look at and to wondering about. Plus a lot of immigrants around here n well pretty scary to walk alone. I dont know why but almost everytime i walk alone there will always scary strangers trying to disturb me. Even school kids at sec 2 hahaha. Not to mentioned a few 'tragedy' happened that i kept only to myself. If my mom knows hehe she will go berserk. I'm cool. :p
Well talking about strangers n weird things hehehe.. syareena and i have a few experiances during our schooldays. Both of us can act "cool" enough until the "predator" feel weird n ignore us LoL. But the scariest one is when i'm with Nora. Maybe she still remember it. We r walking to her house. Her house is pretty quite area. Then when we were walking. There's a chineese guy with big birth mark on his face (i guess), wearing yellow trenchcoat following us and he kept whispering scarily to himself. When we stoped he stoped, when we walked he walked. We was walking very fast until i saw a big wood. I pick up and look at him. He stopped and he dissapeared. hahahha.. lucky us.
Oh ya.. the last psycho, again yellow trenchcoat last year(i thinkla), but this time with syareena. we was walking behind giant kecik. Around 5 pm and that place was not so quiet, there's people walking by. This old uncle on his motorbike with yellow trenchcoat(it's like a standard outfit for psychos) he passes us n drive slowly while cursing all fucked and sex terms n told his penis size crazily to us. It's hard to explain either he sounds angry or what i dont know. But deffinitely not horny but he did scare us. Then again he return to us yelling @*&*$##^*&^*@##@ to us. I became so angry and i yell %$%#@$$%%#&T^^% back to him hahaha. Then he drove off since we arrived near restaurant. That was the most fucked up psycho i ever met which makes me angry!! auto responses hehhe.
Hmm.. i have no purpose actually, just wanted to write something...