happy new year 2009!

WoW! Another year have passed! It's so fast! We r getting older again! but r we there yet??? phewwww..... i'm not there yet! but i'm moving and do something new at least :p. Let me list out some of last year resolutions i can remember:
1. Pay all my debts - Completed
2. Island Vacations - Completed with 2 times wonderful island trips
3. Radio - Completed
4. PC - Completed
5. Redesign my room - Completed
6. Take IELTS - Not Completed
7. Apply for Scholarship - Not Completed
Ok My 2009 resolutions
1.Camera - Completed hehe got myself new Nikon S600, im quite satisfied with it except the battery heat problem and the poor video capture. Going to send for services and try ask for the new 1.
2. Hand Phone - I want e66
3. Forecast for at least RM5k profits from my online business - hope i can :P
4. Fly to Indonesia and makes business with Indonesian wholesaler
5. Take IELTS
6. Apply for Scholarship/Master degree
7. Expand my business.
8. Buy my own apartment for investment
9. Take my mom and my sis & bro to Redang.
Well, that's all i can think off right now. I had a few good and sad memories through 2008:
Good Memories
1. I had a very cute and manja orange cat - Fluffy, my most beloved cat
2. Had a terrific vacations at Perhentian and Redang.
3. Meet Jort, Jonas and Robert my Amsterdam and Sweden friends
4. Sweet memories with Robert -something i never think off i can be hehehe
5. My manager left the company
6. Very Big Bonus!!
7. Training at Singapore
8. Found a wholesaler area, start my own business and when i get the first stranger customer!
Sad Memories
1. My beloved fluffy gone
2. Gary gone, Leo died
3. When i need to pay all my debts with my big bonus and left me only 10% of it for my own entertainment.
I guess that's all about it. Pretty good year i guess, the best part for me is, i started my own businesss again hehehe. So, will i be richer by end of this year??? hahahha...

Malaysia International fireworks competition