Raya + Demo + Work Load + .......
tired just got back from office.
what i wanna write?...
K.. i tried to write something about raya b4 but don't have any idea what to write and not available almost everyday. It's been kind of empty raya.. not as i expected due to the kenduri at Perak. It's such a waste of time cause we can't go beraya to alot of houses like we always did. Only 2 house we visited!! :(
First day : My collegues came and even my big boss daniel came with his son! He seems enjoy eating all the food hehe. Meet nurul friends from China - Jack. He eats a lot! i enjoy seeing him eating afterall.

Perak: 3D 2N at K.Mas house. I dont help much as usual, It's only us, her siblings and her auntie stayed there for 2 night. The rest of her family came after the wedding, jeez.. we r so nice that we stay there for 2 night!! We went to Hot spring park again - not so enjoying, the hot spring is too hot. I stay in for 15 mnts and already felt nausea and wanna faint. All of us cannot tahan with the heat n we go out from that park after 1 hour!!! what a waste of money :(
Open House: i don't expect a lot of people to come at first cause it's only the second week of raya. Somehow, my house was full of people sampai tak muat rumah from noon till night! Very the meriah and fun hehe.. food is just enough. Thanx to Nora for her very delecious spaghetti .

Raya with friends: For the first time we go to Syareena's house beraya...this is d first time i ate her cooked hehehe.. i give 3 out of 5 for her salty spaghetti haha.. but well 5/5 for her effort. :P . malek bring brownies- he claimed he made it but it's acually bought from her aunt, delicious and Nora's kuih i tak sempat makan huhuhu. We spent time watched a maniac stuntmant movie - death proof. At the end of the day we took a family potrait pics hehehe..

Now: I have Roll out demo to prepare!!!! DOSM URS Report to prepare!! Argghhh.....
Cant wait to go to Penang next weekend!!
P/S : I'm already bored with my "ïntended victim"... the subject has proven damn boring. I need a new toy that is more interesting. Well maybe can caught a mat saleh in Penang hehe.. who knows :P
Open House pics: http://s230.photobucket.com/albums/ee62/z-LaN/Friends/Open%20House%202008/
tired just got back from office.
what i wanna write?...
K.. i tried to write something about raya b4 but don't have any idea what to write and not available almost everyday. It's been kind of empty raya.. not as i expected due to the kenduri at Perak. It's such a waste of time cause we can't go beraya to alot of houses like we always did. Only 2 house we visited!! :(
First day : My collegues came and even my big boss daniel came with his son! He seems enjoy eating all the food hehe. Meet nurul friends from China - Jack. He eats a lot! i enjoy seeing him eating afterall.
Perak: 3D 2N at K.Mas house. I dont help much as usual, It's only us, her siblings and her auntie stayed there for 2 night. The rest of her family came after the wedding, jeez.. we r so nice that we stay there for 2 night!! We went to Hot spring park again - not so enjoying, the hot spring is too hot. I stay in for 15 mnts and already felt nausea and wanna faint. All of us cannot tahan with the heat n we go out from that park after 1 hour!!! what a waste of money :(
Open House: i don't expect a lot of people to come at first cause it's only the second week of raya. Somehow, my house was full of people sampai tak muat rumah from noon till night! Very the meriah and fun hehe.. food is just enough. Thanx to Nora for her very delecious spaghetti .
Raya with friends: For the first time we go to Syareena's house beraya...this is d first time i ate her cooked hehehe.. i give 3 out of 5 for her salty spaghetti haha.. but well 5/5 for her effort. :P . malek bring brownies- he claimed he made it but it's acually bought from her aunt, delicious and Nora's kuih i tak sempat makan huhuhu. We spent time watched a maniac stuntmant movie - death proof. At the end of the day we took a family potrait pics hehehe..

Now: I have Roll out demo to prepare!!!! DOSM URS Report to prepare!! Argghhh.....
Cant wait to go to Penang next weekend!!
P/S : I'm already bored with my "ïntended victim"... the subject has proven damn boring. I need a new toy that is more interesting. Well maybe can caught a mat saleh in Penang hehe.. who knows :P
Open House pics: http://s230.photobucket.com/albums/ee62/z-LaN/Friends/Open%20House%202008/